Faith In A Jar is a collection of freelance photography done by myself, Neo Jasmine Mokgosi. I work with various people, places and organizations and takes pictures for use in promotional posters and events, magazines, newspapers, websites, professional commercial and private use. I am a freelance photographer and blogger who is interested in documenting and promoting art, music, fashion and youth culture; currently based in Cape Town, South Africa, originally from Gaborone, Botswana, looking towards the rest of Africa and abroad. I am currently studying a BA in Brand Building and Management at Vega School of Branding in Cape Town as well as experimenting with audio-visual, producing, directing and editing hoping to create a fuller, more experiential media interaction.
I tried my hand at a bit of food photography while I was on holiday in Cape Town recently. Food Lover's Market in ST George's Square had a half price sushi special one afternoon and I took full advantage! The food was fresh, delicious and beautifully presented. The Chef's are behind the bar and prepare the sushi in full view of the customers and the prepared dishes wind their way around the restaurant on a colourful conveyor-belt of eye-catching cuisine. The vibe is relaxed, convenient and very cosmopolitan. In Botswana I know the ocean is at least a day away and tend to be wary of seafood dishes, but in Cape Town with seagulls flying around town you are guaranteed that the fish is fresh and of the highest quality. Bon apetit!
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