
Faith In A Jar is a collection of freelance photography done by myself, Neo Jasmine Mokgosi. I work with various people, places and organizations and takes pictures for use in promotional posters and events, magazines, newspapers, websites, professional commercial and private use.
I am a freelance photographer and blogger who is interested in documenting and promoting art, music, fashion and youth culture; currently based in Cape Town, South Africa, originally from Gaborone, Botswana, looking towards the rest of Africa and abroad. I am currently studying a BA in Brand Building and Management at Vega School of Branding in Cape Town as well as experimenting with audio-visual, producing, directing and editing hoping to create a fuller, more experiential media interaction.
For more info, inquiries or bookings email: faithinajar@gmail.com
All photos on this blog are © 2014-2010 Neo Jasmine Mokgosi.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Absolute Thursday Khuli Chana Experience!

Blessed! Crazy is not the word. Try insane. Chaotic. Hype. Madness!!! Now before I start I should state very clearly that I don't get out much... My scene is chill sessions, poetry sessions and camping vibes. I am the definition of the word CHILL. So I was not ready for this... The night started out slowly with people trickling onto the Game City roof terrace which was the venue for the show. As it progressed the sound got louder, the car park got busier and the line at the bottom of the stairs got longer and longer until it was a huge crowd of people trying to get in. The promise of Khuli had all of GC and their chanas ready for an epic night! I was nervous, being out at night with my camera always has me on edge and being of a non-alcoholic persuasion, I didn't have the luxury of a few drinks to ease me in, so I pumped myself up with a couple of RedBulls and dove into taking pictures. The crowd was amped with the DJ's setting the mood for a real banger and a healthy mix of House and Hip Hop. On the decks were Groove Cartell, DJ Lexx, DJ Root, DJ Phouboy, T-Izzy, DJ Casper, DJ Fauz, DJ Cashmoney, DJ Unanimous 1 and Urban House Beats as well as performances by MIX LOSO, NOELLO, CHROME, KEB and SASA KLAAS. It really didn't matter that I didn't know who half those people were (as I said, I REALLY don't get out much)cos the crowd was loving it! The end of month/ long weekend/ full moon madness was in full swing. When Khuli Chana finally performed the crowd wend BANANAS! He really knows how to put on a show and exploded with energy as soon as he hit the stage. With hits like Tswa Daar, Hape le Hape, Freshe (Out The Box) and other favourites. His high energy beats and interactive Motswako rap style had the audience bouncing as he jumped up and down the stage. He really fed off the crowd and definitely made it worth the wait to see him. Hardy for those who didn't get there early, just getting into the gig was a huge mission! They had to contend with a huge crowded, lenyora infested line with take-no-shit bouncers and one very skinny entrance. A better organisational flow would have smoothed out the whole night and made it much more enjoyable, but logistical issues aside, I think it was a hugely successful event. Don't know if I will brave the GC nightlife again but it will definitely have a lot to live up to. Much love to Khuli for coming out and making Gabs pop off for the night!


kagography said...

:D great shots Neo.....heheheeheh...especially the queen's pix....bosso!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I don't know how I stumbled upon this but its lovely.i was at the show too...had lots of fun!great pix and aricle :)